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Doctor shares the vital reason you should NEVER tweeze or wax your nose hair

Jan 30, 2024

TWEEZING or waxing your nose could put you at risk of infection, doctors warn.

The popular hair removal methods can also result in painful ingrown hairs, as well as redness and irritation.

Plucking or ripping away hairs prevents them from doing their vital role of trapping pollen, dust and other irritants we breathe in.

Dr Nicole Aaronson, an otolaryngologist in Delaware, said she “would not recommend” either method of hair removal.

She told HuffPost: “Waxing breaches the skin barrier by creating openings for bacteria to get into deeper tissues, creating the opportunity for infection.

“Ingrown hairs occur after a hair is removed when the new hair that regenerates from the follicle can’t break through the skin.

“Because waxing pulls out the hair by the roots, the hair must find its way out through the outer layer of the skin again.”

Infections can include nasal vestibulitis, when the inside of your nose is hit with a staph infection caused by Staphylococcus bacteria.

Symptoms include redness inside or outside your nostril, a pimple-like bump at the base of a nose hair, crust around the nostril and pain, bumps or boils in your nose.

Nasal furnculosis is another infection that affects the deeper part of the hair follicle in your nose.

It usually causes pain, swelling, redness and tenderness, but in rare cases can lead to cavernous sinus thrombosis — the formation of a blood clot in the part of your brain behind the eyes.

Nose hairs are important because they act as a physical barrier, stopping allergens getting into the nostrils and harming your throat and lungs.

When a small insect or other irritant touches a nose hair, it triggers a sneeze — preventing them getting further into the nasal passages.

The hairs also trap moisture in the nose, humidifying the air we breathe so it is more comfortable for the lungs.

Waxing or tweezing can be tempting when stragglers become too long and poke outside your nostrils.

But waxing, in particular, can put you at risk of burning the nose with the hot wax.

Fides Baldesberger, chief executive of Rubis Tweezers, added: “The number one no-tweeze zone is the nose.

"Never tweeze nose hair. Nose hair is there to prevent infection and bacteria. Plus, it's incredibly painful.

"If you're worried about hair growing beyond your nostrils, you can trim with scissors.

“Please use scissors designed for facial hair removal and not just any pair of scissors you have lying around."

Nose trimmers can also be used for hairs further up the nose if you prefer.